Zoolab Visit

Zoolab Visit

22 March 2023

Wednesday 19th April we are delighted to be hosting a visit from Zoolab - https://www.zoolabuk.com/

Zoolab amaze, educate and inspire through their ethical and engaging hands-on animal encounters.

The ZooLab Ranger and their ‘animal team’ have worked closely with us to achieve fantastic learning outcomes for the boys through their unique animal handling workshops.

Health & safety is really important and none of the animals are able to cause any harm.

There will be a strict, enforced hand-washing policy used throughout the morning.

The boys will have the opportunity to handle a selection of animals throughout the session but, pupils who aren’t that keen on creepy crawlies can enjoy from a safe distance!

Any questions please do not hesitate to ask.



Kind regards,
Helen Heslop & Jo Sayles
Head of Curriculum Head of Education
