One Page Profile

The Quality of Life Framework encapsulates all the work already being done across all areas of the school, it is an inherent part in our ethos and intent, and it also quite naturally sits alongside our Positive Behaviour Support approach and values. With a strong focus on Independence, Social participation and Well-being, the framework gives us a fantastic opportunity to identify areas for improvement and focus.

PBS supports human rights and supports respect, dignity and inclusion working in partnership with the person and their family. The overall aim of PBS is to improve the quality of a person’s life and that of the people around them. PBS uses different methods to gather information about the function behind the behaviour and empowers people to identify better methods to meet their needs. This is achieved through the implementation of natural consequences, dialogue, clearly defined boundaries and high expectations which helps young people begin to independently develop their own strategies and make improved choices over time.


Introduction and rationale

All individuals are entitled to a good education and a good quality of life. At The William Henry Smith School, as well as providing a curriculum that meets the academic and vocational needs of our students, we also have a focus on communication, self-management and independence.

Collectively, these contribute to improving the Quality of Life (QofL) of our students and their families.

Our Quality of Life work is underpinned by the belief that our students need to be happy, healthy and able to make decisions, which prepare them for adult life.

Our QofL curriculum is now extremely well embedded and continues its growth across our whole school community blending into much of the work and learning that is undertaken with the students. The individual QofL outcomes are cross-referenced to areas such as Social Progress, PSE, RSHE, OCR Life and Living Skills and AQA Unit Awards. With a robust “live” tracking and assessment process, keyworkers provide essential support to reach desired outcomes to improve the Q of Life of our children and their families.

QofL tasks, although covered in school, will often be shared with the family to allow them to be practised and reinforced at home. To support this QofL outcomes and focus areas will be included in the EHCP.


Working with students

Twice a year our students and families will be invited to complete a QofL questionnaires to identify areas, which are important to them.

Whole school issues are also identified from the questionnaires, and these become the focus of our half termly curriculum drop down days.


Working with families

The role of the keyworker is pivotal in supporting families with issues identified from the results of the questionnaires.  Information from the collective responses can also be used to help us identify and plan training / events for families.


Working with partners

QofL now forms an important part of the EHCP. Therefore, this information will be shared with LAs and other agencies as part of the Annual Review process.

Rounding off under the Q o L ethos, we provide wellbeing and support throughout the school community to amplify a collaborative healthy minds and body approach within the environment.